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My SV quit eating raw food.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
That is good to know. Any recommendations for places to try?

It can depend on where you live... I'm over here in CA and so there is a local supply, http://excelk9diet.us4.list-manage....4e6412c32f475daa65&id=70387e19ae&e=6487aac677.
I also order from WholeFoods4Pets up in WA but she isn't taking on new clients and hasn't for a while I can order you wouldn't be able to :-(

I need to remember where else I've ordered from. There were some other places that I tried and liked, but the shipping as they were further away made them less competitive.

I've bought the Oma's Pride and Bravo ground rabbit products before... and the cats were okay with it. The Bravo product then changed a couple years back so I stopped getting it.


I'd have to say I've been very lucky so far with my crew. Not a picky eater in the bunch. They all love the raw chicken that my husband and I grind ourselves. We do leave Blue Buffalo Wilderness dry out during the day but they only nibble on it once in awhile. Even the new dsh kitten never hesitated at the raw. Maybe we have very tasty chickens here in Missouri. :big grin: