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Airport Day



Tomorrow, May 22, is called Airport Day in my family because 27 years ago, our daughter (adopted from Korea) arrived at 5 months old to join her two brothers. She became a citizen of the United States, mother to my two youngest grandchildren, frequent pet-sitter, chauffeur, bright spot in my day, and future care-giver when I get senile. Just wanted to share Airport Day with you folks.


Savannah Super Cat
Well Happy Airport Day to you & your family. What a sweet story. Glenn & I hope to adopt in the future since I can't have any more kids.


Tomorrow, May 22, is called Airport Day in my family because 27 years ago, our daughter (adopted from Korea) arrived at 5 months old to join her two brothers. She became a citizen of the United States, mother to my two youngest grandchildren, frequent pet-sitter, chauffeur, bright spot in my day, and future care-giver when I get senile. Just wanted to share Airport Day with you folks.
Happy 27th Airport Day;>) I hope you all get to enjoy this day together. It sounds like your daughter is exactly where she was meant to be. Tomorrow I hope you all have a wonderful day...full of laughter and love;>)


Staff member
Tomorrow, May 22, is called Airport Day in my family because 27 years ago, our daughter (adopted from Korea) arrived at 5 months old to join her two brothers. She became a citizen of the United States, mother to my two youngest grandchildren, frequent pet-sitter, chauffeur, bright spot in my day, and future care-giver when I get senile. Just wanted to share Airport Day with you folks.

Josie, that is so awesome!!!! Happy Airport day to you and your family!